Saturday, October 1, 2011


I felt, it being so late and I having many new posts on the rise, I should take a breather and write a short incosiquential post on MST3k (for the "uninformed", Mystery Science Theater 3000).

What can I say, in spite of its silliness (and occasional inapropriateness), it's one of my favorite shows. It has a cult following fo a very good reason--- it appeals either to normal people with a random streak (or perhaps, simply, a good sense of humor) or people who have unique tastes that are hard pressed to be fill anywhere else (unless there's some show out there I missed...). It's witty, as well as crazy; watching it the first time was kind of like, "I...have show!" (after the initial, "What the heck is this?!")

For those of you who are unfamiliar with MST3k...

In the not too distant future,
Next Sunday A.D.
... You know what, just watch this.

Anyway, thought I'd start with what I know (moi), so, though I won't make a habit (hopefully) of raving about my personal opinions...

5 Things About Me and MST...3k that is (but I appreciated the rhyme of sorts...):

1. I liked some of the skits (in fact, the titular one is one of my favorite parts of the show. Take a Look. [long story short, network decided they didn't know what kind of people watched MST3k, so they just played dozens of ridiculous Mentos commercials over and over again between commercial breaks. The cast of mST3k caught onto this...]), but the riffing and the original songs were my favorite. (when I edit this post tommorow, I'll put in some links. Fave songs: normal view, killer shrews, the stock footage song, and more, but later [edit: seriously, I simply can't think of more...])

2. Be warned; it is very hard to watch tv or movies now without a snarky comment or two. This might become you after a few episodes, so, take care.

3. This is the first show I've seen (especially sci-fi wise) comfortable with the fact that it's a tv show and, truth be told, has a cheesy-ness appeal to the scenery.

4. Favorite short in the beginning---either Money Talks or The Puerto Rico commercial (I think Puerto Rico just might win out...)

5. Favorite Episode---it's hard to finish some of those awful, awful movies, even with the riffing, but I have fond memories of The Lost Continent, Killer Shrews, and the Santa Clause movie. I also liked what I saw of Monster A-go-go, but be warned, it is insanely mind numbing to endure, even for a short period of time. same with Beast of Yucca flats, which I liked but was bad enough that my brain didn't think right for the remainder of the day.

And that's it I guess. The links are quite a hassle, because right now I have to do them manually, so if you can be patient, I will try to set them up tomorrow. I have some more writing to do, and then off to sleep! Goodnight, my readers!

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