Saturday, January 28, 2012


Just one question--do you like random facts? If so, this site may be right for you! (BTW, if purple doesn't bring to your mind surprise, excitement, mystery, importance, etc... what is wrong with you? XD   No, really, it's one of my favorite colors and brings back childhood memories. It will appear somewhat frequently, so...think surprise, excitement, mystery, importance, etc...)

This pic has almost no relation to the post whatsoever. Hi! :)

(It was found here, BTW.)

Sneeze is a site we found way back in or neopet days, loaded with surprisingly useless and un-neopet related facts and data. In other words, a little piece of  Heaven. (Cue choir music)

So, yes, just thought I'd mention it. Good day, dear readers.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Character Design | Artist Interviews: Jean Baptiste Vendamme Interview

Enjoy! :)

Character Design Artist Interviews: Jean Baptiste Vendamme Interview: Jean Baptiste Vendamme: Designer / Sculpter CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE INTERVIEW AND SEE HIS GALLERY Media: Adobe Photoshop

[Note: just FYI, they have some samples of his art on this post, and there are some women in revealing clothing and what appears to be a zombie at the very end...If that doesn't bother you, you should be fine. His art is exquisite, I definitely recommend you check it out!]

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"If You've Made it This Far..."

"You're where...Dragons...are..."

Points to whomever recognizes that quote paraphrase...
Wow, you're memory must be good. (Or you really liked that movie for some reason XD. I know I did :D)

Anyhow, this is the Japanese version of the opening (as I understand it) from How to Train Your Dragon

It's awesome by the way.

I really liked the Jpop twist, and I think the song both works with the movie, the characters, and the visuals, as well as corresponds to the glow-y, fantasy/adventure...ness How to Train Your Dragon entails. It also reminds me heavily of an anime theme song, and thus bring the presence of Japanimation to the movie; a strange, but no less tasty combination.

But I do digress...

The Day that Wikipedia Went Dark

Hello everyone!

Well, very early today, just after midnight, I attempted to look up Marilyn vs Savant, one of the most intelligent people in the world on wikipedia, and this is the image which enveloped my screen.

"Oh." I said to myself. "That's right. Today is blackout day."

Today, as many of you probably know, wikipedia blacked out their site in a bold effort to protest against SOPA and PIPA, two bills the government has been considering for a while.

Now I can't claim to know all that much about this. I haven't been following the debates and all the controversy surrounding these two bills. I barely knew of them until a day or two ago. And  can't claim to know enough facts to really declare an opinion about them.

However, today, in honor of the blackout, I have searched around a bit for some information, and found a post (on Boing Boing, ironically) that was most helpful.

Now I'm not sure how much of this is accurate or objective. I can vouch for it because it's on Boing Boing, but only so far.


I must say it affected me. Not everybody uses the Internet in a way that glorifies God, or is good or proper, or even with good stewardship and vigilance, but I also don't believe in the government foolishly attempting to solve every social ill in the U.S. through our finite and very flawed human means. Yes, evil and wrong should be fought and brought to justice. But obstructing good things, sacrificing what you seek to protect (in this case, the prosperity and security of individuals on the Internet) is very wrong. Controlling the voices and freedom of people by gaining almost complete reign over any site, people's personal property and platforms of speech, with almost no reasonable cause (especially considering that the Internet is very inter connected, which is both one of its merits as well as its downfalls, but no less its nature )  is not only unconstitutional, but self-defeating. If the information I have been given is truth, then this law is very troubling indeed, and I find myself taking a strong stance against it.

However, I do believe that more information is warranted; not everything on the Internet should be taken at face value (of course, then again, neither should most bills). But something i do stand for is Freedom of speech and Public access to information and connection. These are all very precious, valuable things, things which are to be treasured and protected, and never to tossed aside with abandon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This video was found here, at Character Design Info. I highly recommend you check it out, it's a fantastic blog. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Doodle Often---#5 "(excuse my cheesy-ness) Gone Baty"

I've always loved bats. Always.

The inspiration shows up in my doodles and such repeatedly.


 I guess that's about all I have to say about that.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Doodle Often---#4 "...hello."

Honestly, I'm not quite sure. But he's certainly friendly, yes?

Good day to you, dear guests. How are you faring?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Doodle Often---the 3rd. "Gonna Fly Now (or Robot Boxer)"

After watching Real Steel, I got to scribbling, and after a time I looked down and thought, "hey, as far as doodles go this isn't half bad."

This is the product.


And I guess I have a soft spot for the little music-loving, boxer 'bot, in a similar way as I had towards the movie and it's characters.

So... yeah, this is kind of what I do. 

Movie Poster

 Okay, okay, one more and I'm good!

I hope I don't get burned, seeing as this is a viral movie poster (and I most certainly own nothing) but I found this movie poster (here) and thought it was cool, so hey, you know...?

All in all, the design of this robot is very cool. I especially appreciated the segments in his amour; they allow a large amount of movement, and keep him lighter (which can allow for better speed), but the spaces in between are too small to allow the opponent robot any real advantage. The proportions are atheistically pleasing while still retaining a dangerous, realistic look. Artistically speaking, the designs is deceptively simple (for a humanoid build), but convincingly appears a state of the art, complex and deadly machine.

I guess that's really why I loved the movie. Hugh Jackman, the kid, and the fight scenes aside (okay, not completely aside), it's really dialed in to my love of robots, hearkening to a sci-fi-obsessed 12-year-old sketching robot designs on computer paper, dreaming of the day when she would build and possess a ‘bot of her own. I’m not sure what it means, this cinematic celebration of my much younger, more certain self.

But I’m pretty sure it’s why I posted this picture, thinking it was worthy to share with the world.

Hey, why not?

Robots (Again.)

I actually liked this video better from Real Steel, so I decided to post it. The fight between Atom and twin Cities was sweet!

Yeah, i know I'm late, but this is what I do; share about movies I liked. No matter how mindless the movie (well, most of the time...I do have my limits; and this one wasn't that mindless either), they tend to inspire me and make me think. And I just saw it, so hey, whatever, right?


Monday, January 2, 2012

Doodle Often---the 2nd. "To Owl City"

My second doodle. Yes.
This one turned out better; it seems as though the scanner likes pen much better than pencil.


Aside from God, of course, this one is dedicated to Owl City. I received his All Things Bright and Beautiful CD for Christmas this year, and listned to it while I sketched this. Definetly one of the best gifts I recveived this year. We love you Owl City!

Aside from that, this is a perfectly "normal" and (IMNSHO) adorable cartoon owl.


Once again, Happy New Year everyone! :)

God Bless!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Doodle Often---the 1st. "Are those...your hands?"

 Happy New Year everyone! 

Well, I was thinking, back in 2011, that posting some work of my own would be nice. But the problem, you see, is  I don't have a ton of art. I guess, in a way, I'm not a "real" artist. What I have is doodles. Tons and TONS of doodles.

So... the logical conclusion...

It's a doodle.

This was my first drawing and doodle of the year; I scribbled it at 2-something in the morning after watching the first 31 minutes of Edward Scissorhands (We finished it tonight. So lovely, so sad... ah, I love Edward J) so pardon the mess.


I pray that this New year is excellent and blessed for all! Thank you for your patronage, dear readers. Please let me know your thoughts on this post, my drawing (suck it up girl suck it up... X/ ), or anything else whatsoever. Look forward to hearing from you!


2011 'tis no longer.

Ladies and Gentlemen, have a merry, blessed 2012!

Now go forth and do tht shich you were created for! (build some robots if that strikes your fancy ;D)