Sunday, June 24, 2012

Doodle Often---Sombrero Man Doodle

Yep, so I'm back with the doodle thing. XD I laugh gleefully at your misery.

This guy I did a while back when I was bored on vacation. I wasn't thinking much of anything, i had a shading ink pen in my hands and just did. I was not finished for five minutes before being promptly informed by my sister that my character was, in fact, quite ugly. Not necessarily a bad drawing, just an ugly guy.

I really like him. Think he's kind of random and ironic. But then again, I have difficulty seeing people as "ugly" or "attractive". I may think somebody has too many pimples or abrasions on their face, or really like their hair, but I am rarely am able to think of people in these more general terms it seems. I don't know why.

So, Yeah. I think I might have more affection for this doodle  than it deserves, but I just thought I might as well post something. So I did. Right here. It's here and...stuff...



Update: ok, to be fair, my sister said on seeing this doodle most recently that it was "neat" and "a good sketch" or some approximation. I was very flattered. And sorry I turned this into another rant about me (that does seem to happen quite a bit, doesn't it? ;P). Im just glad I can look at Sombrero Man and think "hey, maybe I can draw!... Ad I have very little sense of conventional human attractiveness. -_-" both of which are quite nice things to think, actually.

So, about this guy... Well, he doesn't really have much character-wise; just a face and a vague sense of backstory and motivation, really. I'd really like to draw more of him and see if he wouldn't mine being in one of my stories, but I guess we'll have to see...

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