Thursday, October 18, 2012

24 Hours and 13 Days


Well, this is kind of a rotten time to mention either of these, since one's over halfway over and the other is two days away, but yay, I'm doing October Poetry Writing Month (write a poem a day; don't worry, I have plenty of catching up to do as well) and 24 Hour Comic, where you write a 24 page (plus cover, so 25 page) comic in 24 hours!

Yes I am crazy. And you can be too! Join the madness!

Just kidding (sort of), but seriously, you should check it out. It's not too late just yet...



  1. This is so cool! I love how they put the sea monster so its not even scary. I think that this is amazing! :D

    1. I know, right? I love this comic; it's just so sweet, and says so much in so little time. I'd love to grow old with a sea monster. :D
