Monday, December 3, 2012

(Per)NaNoWriMo Meme, Days 1&2

I decided to do the NaNo meme, simply becuase you can't go and stalk me on NaNoWriMo so I thought I should keep you involved somehow.

Since my word count is shamefully low right now, I will begin posting the count tomorrow. ;P Yeah, I'm devious. XD

So, here goes:

Day 1 - Have you participated in NaNoWriMo before?

Yes, twice now.

If so, which years and what end result? 

First Year: 2011
Result:  WIN, 50000+

Second Year: 2012
Result: ...-_- (11000+)

If not (or even if so, for that matter), what’s your connection to writing? 

I've just always been good at it, attuned to it, ever since I was freed from the shackles of good grammar (take that Shirly English!*). And I've always created stories in my head, ever since I could form proper thought.

Why do you want to participate this year?
I just have a drive to write. And I can’t seem to fight it. I feel incomplete when I’m not... And the year before this one was super good for me spiritually. I was hoping for the same, I guess...

Day 2 – What’s the title of your story? 

Right now? The working title: The Deviant Begotten of God.

Why did you choose the name you did?

It’s about the contrary children of God. I’m still not sure I like the title, but it did fit.

*I think it's only fair to my mom and grammar and such that I do owe Shirly English for much of my understanding of grammar. It did, however, stifle my 2nd grade self and nearly instill loathing and frustration with reading and writing in all its forms. I was simply bored and not encouraged to create on my own, nor was I introduced to good (or fun) literature during this period, and as I can attest to, my friends, this is not the way to teach a subject. Any subject. Ever. There must be passion and love as much as structure and rules. There must be balance.

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