Thursday, September 29, 2011

A is for "Albus" (Albinism---First Obsession Topic)

I've always been interested in disorders, conditions, and diseases, mental or physical. Mutations, genetic irregularities of any kind, you name it, I'm fascinated by it. Albinism, or achromatosis, is one such condition; there are varying forms, of which I will delve into more formally and with more detail, but the general meaning of the term refers to lack of pigment in certain cells caused by a deficiency or absence of an enzyme during melanin production.

Unfortunately, this condition is a often considered an affliction rather than a blessing because it adversely effects the albino individual's vision, increases the chance of sun burn and skin cancer, involves bleeding problems (since platelets in the blood frequently malfunction), and often incurs social stigmatism in locations where albinism is associated with witchcraft and the supernatural. At very least, albinism is a quite misunderstood condition, and many individuals who are affected feel isolated from society, in varying degrees.

However, albinism, despite it's difficulties and downsides, is a very beautiful condition.

This is Connie Chiu. She's an albino model, and she's gorgeous.

These pictures are not mine, I found them here. Also, Connie Chiu's website can be located here.

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